Max Payne 3 Update Crack !!TOP!!
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This text contains some information about the level \"v_cemet\" in the game Max Payne 3. It also includes a release note for the update v1.0.0.114 of the game.
The text starts with some parameters for the level, such as:
- Max Path Depth: 3. This means the maximum number of portals that can be crossed in a path.
- Max Path Distance: 150.000000. This means the maximum distance that can be traveled in a path.
- Number of portal Info entries: 120. This means the number of portals that are defined in the level.
- The next lines show the portal IDs and their attributes, such as whether they are open or closed, and their keys and trees.
The text then lists the resources that are used in the level, such as:
- Non map resources: These are resources that are not specific to the level, but are used by other levels as well. They include models, animations, pickups, data and navmeshes.
- GTXD's: These are texture dictionaries that contain textures for the level. The text shows two GTXD's for the level: v_cemet_parent and v_cemet_mauzne_parent.
- Multiplayer Props: These are props that are used in multiplayer mode. They include animations, pickups and silhouettes.
- Level specific resources: These are resources that are only used by this level. They include:
- Map Props: These are props that are placed in the map, such as doors, funerals, gardens, scripts, snipers and vegetation.
- Map Interiors: These are interiors that are part of the map, such as the mausoleum interior.
- Map Instance: These are instances that are part of the map, such as collision patches, backgrounds, mausoleum, rotunda, sniper and mausoleum approach.
The text then lists some general resources that are used by the game, such as:
- Ped Props: These are props that are attached to pedestrians, such as hats and glasses.
- Procobj: These are procedural objects that are generated dynamically by the game engine, such as debris and bullet holes.
- Icons: These are icons that are displayed on the HUD, such as weapons and grenades.
- Weapons: These are weapon files that define the properties and behavior of weapons in the game. The text shows several weapons that are used in this level, such as M24 sniper rifle, IA2 assault rifle, GAL assault rifle, TAR assault rifle, wire grenade and betty grenade.
- Stream Peds: These are streamed pedestrian models that are loaded on demand by the game engine. The text shows several stream peds that are used in this level or in other DLCs (downloadable content) of the game, such as bomb suit peds, intimidate peds, FDO peds (Federal Police), Max Payne peds (the protagonist), USP peds (Unidade de ForÃas Especiais), yacht peds and CBBB peds (Comando do Bope).
- Stream Peds Props: These are props that are attached to stream peds, such as handcuffs and hugs.
The text ends with a release note for the update v1.0.0.114 of the game. It explains how to install the update and what it fixes or adds to the game. It also reminds the users to block the game exe files from going online and to support the software developers by buying the game. 061ffe29dd